Englanniksi: Mikä on Kodin ja Koulun Päivä? 

What is the Home and School Day?

If you get an invitation from the school to this event, it’s worth attending! 

Every year many Finnish schools organize a Home and School Day (In Finnish Kodin ja Koulun Päivä). It is a relaxed and informal event where parents can get to know their child’s school, meet teachers, other parents and children. On the Home and School Day you can see where and with whom your children are studying.  

Most schools hold the event at the end of September, but other times are also possible. The event can take place during the school day, in the evening, or on the weekend.  

Some schools organize a program for the event, for example a dance performance, joint games and playing, reading, a trip to the forest or even bike repair workshops. Some serve coffee and maybe something to eat. In some schools, you can observe the classes. The invitation will tell you what will happen at your school and when.   

When you get an invitation to an event, we highly encourage you to attend. You can participate even if you don’t speak Finnish or Swedish. If you get the information in time, you can ask time off from work. In Finland, it is believed that it is good for parents to participate in events organized by schools.

It is useful for parents and teachers to know each other and cooperate. A Home and School Day is an easy way to get to know each other. It is easier to connect with others when you have met face to face. It is important for children to have their parents involved!

Many schools have parents’ associations. During the Home and School Day, you can ask if there is such an association at your child’s school, what they do and how you can participate. All parents are welcome to participate in the activities of the parents’ association! Many parents’ associations organize the Home and School Day event together with the school.


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